Do a research on the following questions and make sure you post your answers with "Bible Verses" where your answers are gotten from in the comment section of the post.


2. Hosea declares that the upright walk in the ways of the LORD , but transgressors
A. scorn them
B. reject them
C. stumble in them
D flee from them.


2. Hosea declares that the upright walk in the ways of the LORD , but transgressors
     C   —   Hosea 14:9 


1. What was the immediate reaction of Moses when he cast his rod on the ground at Mount Hereby and it became a serpent?
A. He shouted for joy
B. He fled from it
C. He took it by the tail
D. He caugth it immediately

2. The consequence of King Solomon’s failure to keep the LORD’S commandment was
A. God’s promise to tear away part of the kingdom
B. the disloyalty of his subjects
C. the rebellion of the vassal states against his rule
D. the loss of God’s favour

3. According to Prophet Isaiah, the creative ability of God is likened to that of a
A. potter and his earthen vessel
B. ruler and his followers
C. master and his servant
D. shepherd and his sheep

4.  ‘David departed from there and escaped….. and when his brothers and all his father’s house heard it….. In the statement above, where did David escape to ?
A. Mizpeh of Moab
B. The land of Judah
C. The cave of Abdullam
D. The wilderness .of Engedi

5. Hiram, King of Tyre, was friendly with King Solomon because he
A. was afraid of war
B. wanted to assist
C. loved the wisdom of Solomon
D. loved David, Solomon’s father

6. ‘Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you… where was Abraham when this command was given
A. Sheckem B. Bethel C. Ur D. Haran

7. The LORD repented of the evil which he intended for His people because Moses
A. burnt the golden calf which the people made
B. broke the tablets out of his hands
C. made the people drink of the water of the burnt calf
D. reminded Him of his promise to Abraham, Isaac and Israel

8. The altar that Gideon built the oak of Ophrah was called
A. The LORD is represent
B. The LORD is strenght
C. The LORD is peace
D. The LORD is great

9. The second creation story ends with the institution o f
A. the sabbath
B. the Passover
C. marriage
D. circumcision

10. The greatest dometic problem King David experienced which almost cost him his kingdom was
A. his adultery with Bathsheba
B. the killing of Uriah
C. the proclamation of Adonijah as king
D. the revolt of Absalom against him

11. The declaration by God that he would make a nation of the son of the slave woman meant that He
A. recognized Ishmael as Abraham’s descendant
B. was not partial towards Isaac and Ishmael
C. did not like the way Ishmael was sent out by Abraham
D. was responsilbe for sending Ishmael out of Abraham’s house.

12. The chief buftler said to Pharaoh, I remember my faults
today …… Faults refer to his
A. sins before he was imprisoned by Pharaoh
B. inability to interprete Pharaoh’s dream
C. inability to identify competent magicians, wise men and interpreters of dreams
D. forgetting the young Hebrew who interpreted his dream correctly while in prison

13. … The earth produced of itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear… The statement above was made by Jesus in the parable of the
A. sower
B. mustard seed
C. weeds
D. seed growing secretly

14. Peter became frightened as he walked on the sea because
A. he saw a ghost
B. he doubled Jesus
C. of the wind
D. it was dark and cloudly

15. What did the blind man by the roadside near Jericho do on receiving his sight?
A. he jumped for joy and went away
B. he thanked Jesus for healing him
C. He followed Jesus, glorifying God
D. he gave praise to God for making him whole

Best Of Luck!!!


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