There's a video making the rounds on the internet which has drawn the attention of 'Musicians both in Ghana, Nigeria and expansively in Africa' as whole.
The pastor in charge and founder of Kharis Church in the United Kingdom, Pastor David Antwi has bluntly said and I quote "Any Instrumentalist who collects money from the Church is a Thief and the cousin to Satan...", his statement also triggered him to call out his instrumentalists in other to buttress his affirmation.

This statement had drawn lots of crossfire opinions and counter statements on his judgmental conclusion on musicians and their wages collecting

I will be sharing my own candid opinion on this matter from my professional perspective of being a key player in this field for way over 25 years of playing active part in this field here in Nigeria without Prejudice.
Music in this part of the globe is really not a regarded profession, neither is it seen as a key and respected line of profession. Musicians are seen as lowlifes, nonentities, rascals, a profession predominantly dominated by dropouts and no do wells of the society. It is believed that the music profession is prompted out of laziness of their mind and will which end up "opting for something very easy" and very insignificant as music.
No wonder it is always seen as unusual to see a child opt for music as his desired career. Parents of such children, more especially those families who are well educated and are in the presumed estimable line of profession automatically frown at this kind of children who think in these line of career and prospect.
This profession is disregarded and underrated in these parts, and the acceptance rate remains abysmal.
But, what people fail to understand is that music is all encompassing and is very broad as an art and a science in its own world. Music had a whole lot of 'Mathematical concept in it, Physics, English, Literature and Literal concepts embedded in it'.
Music has Physics engrossed in it, in the areas of 'Frequency and Sound travel, calculations of Resonance and sound quality and more... this entails mathematical concepts and understanding before you are able to understand the quality of vocal tension and timbre vibration of reverbing musical equipments.
I'm sorry I have to shed light on these issues from this perspective which shows the art of music is really meant for the best of brains, in other to comprehend and have deep understanding of this art.
I studied music, and that has also shown many who come in contact with me that music isn't for weak people nor for dullards.
You must be very intelligent to be able to understand how music works, you must be very smart to comprehend how to play a Drum set, Piano, Bass Guitar, Trumpet or whatsoever instrument you can ever think of.

Permit me to just sight out that the above digression was to drive home my unbiased conclusion on the affirmed declaration of the clergy.
Do an in-depth research on any musician you know and you'd find out the input of Sacrifice, Hard work and Investment he has put in to master his art as a musician.
He must have put in so much 'Time and Money' into his endeavor of becoming a musician.
If this individual has paid these much to this profession then it is imperative that he must likely see this as his profession and a sure means of livelihood.

                 An occupation, trade, craft, or activity in which one has a professed
                 expertise in a particular area;  a job, "especially one requiring a high
                 level of skill or training."
Music is a discipline that needs a high level of skill and perfection to master it. Music isn't meant for loafers or dullards.

For me the act of playing music in a church setting redefines a musician. He assumes the role of a Levite when his commitment is aligned to the sole purpose of “worship and service” nothing more.
The criteria to this alignment are based on selfless Service and commitment to the essence of offering worship to God on the platform of Holiness and purity. Now these are a few qualities of a true Levite.
So, to most musicians claiming the position of being Levites because they play in a church environment and to them that automatically transcribes them to assume the hallowed position if being a Levite, I'm sorry to disregard that line of thought.
The position of a Levite is deeper and has lots of selfless demands that goes beyond the position of just being a Professional hireling.
A Levite enjoys same benefits as to a priest, but based on his level of brokenness and submissiveness to the purpose of the worship of God, he is given a portion of the house of God as which is allocated to him.
A Levite does not place a demand or wages for his service, but he is expectant of his own portion from the proceeds of the house of God. He does not Negotiate or Bargain his monthly salary, for his purpose is unto Selfless Service and nothing more. So, please these to most musicians who see themselves as Levites, its necessary to debug yourself of such illusive mentality that you are a Levite.
Most of you are just professionals and hirelings on payroll.

A hireling is an employee who is hired, often to display or make use of his skill or talent and perform unpleasant tasks with little or no independence associated with his terms of hire.

Any pastor that seeks to make his church standout and be unique in the area of music, and requires the services of professional musicians, then he is in no doubt in agreement with the bargains of this exceptional guys and shouldn't complain of their terms of engagement as these is basically their binding factor.
As to the musician it is important to note that this is his profession and his main source of livelihood.

1 Timothy 5:18

New International Version
For Scripture says, "Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain, and "The worker deserves his wages."

New Living Translation
For the Scripture says, You must not muzzle an ox to keep it from eating as it treads out the grain. And in another place, Those who work deserve their pay!

So, to the musician he is entitled to his bargain with which that employment was made valid.

Pastor David Antwi whose video went viral on this amusing discuss, surely does not understand the place of profession and wages. The average musician believes that his gifting and skill should make way for him and also aid him to pay his bills. Regardless the environment he finds himself he believes that after putting in lots of hard work and financial investments in other to acquire this skill, he believes it is for the purpose of making a living from it.

Profession is different from Service, so the pastor for me got it all wrong.
If you are opportune to meet musicians who believe in service and they're willing to serve irrespective of the conditions available, but is bent on service to God and nothing more, then you as a pastor is blessed with a Levite. But, it is imperative to know that he also deserves reward for his act of service from the portion of the house of God.

I dont think it will be necessary to point accusing fingers or condemning fingers at this pastor based on these issue, for me I know this isnt really the main issue meant for the house of God to bother themselves with. The return of our Lord and KING is much more important than all these trivial issues.

Finally I want to remind the todays musician that; you are addressed by the way you present yourself, it is not articulate for you to relegate yourself to be called Instrumentalist.
Beyond the ordinary, you are a complete package and a disciplined professional. So, it is imperative to know that you are a Musician and not just an ordinary instrumentalist.

Thanks for your time, it really an honor to have you visit our blog.

Chidi Ohanum.


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